Endondontics professionals

What is Endodontics?

All caries or any other bacterial process can reach the nerve inside the tooth. When that happens, an irreversible process with pulpal necrosis is produced, which can lead to a cyst or even a large boil with a fistula which emerges to drain that purulent content.

This process can produce a lot of pain and the only treatment is endodontics, which consists on cleaning and hermetically sealing the ducts so that the bacteria cannot reproduce again. This is a microsurgery treatment for which, at Bahillo Dental Polyclinic, we have all the technological advances that allow us to obtain the best results.

See real cases of endodontic treatments

Which equipment do we use?

In Bahillo Dental Polyclinic we have the best technology to successfully perform all treatments. Among them we can highlight:

  • Operating microscope
  • Apex electronic locators
  • Radiovisiography
  • Nickel titanium rotary instruments
  • Sonic and ultrasonic systems for irrigation
  • Thermoplastic seals

When the orthograde treatment on the pulp is not enough, on top of the endodontics, it will be necessary to perform an endodontic surgery, which in our clinic is performed by a oral surgeon who is also a doctor-dentist, thus guaranteeing the best possible treatment.

If you need an endodontic treatment and you want to ensure the success of the intervention, please feel free to contact the professionals that form part of Bahillo Dental Polyclinic team.

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